Monday, April 30, 2012


My name is love when we are together 
Share a sense for good 
My name is love when we are together 
Share a sense of all ages
 Until the time I had seen
 A treacherous love, love betrayed 

 I fell and could not rise again 
I'm drowning in a sea of ​​injuries
 I'm lost and do not know the way home
 I was without a grain of dust 

 My name is love when we are together
 Share a sense for good 
My name is love when we are together 
Share a sense of all ages 
 Until the time I had seen 
Love the treacherous, perfidious love 
  pulled away 
All that happened between us   
I fell and could not rise again
 I'm drowning in a sea of ​​injuries

I'm lost and do not know the way home 
I was without a grain of dust 
 I fell and could not rise again 
I'm drowning in the ocean) in the wound 
I'm lost and do not know the way home 

source : photo taken from flickr, rumor's lyric

Regards Nita Aprilianti

Inventory control system

Inventory control system merupakan metode untuk menetapkan jumlah dari pemesanan dan kapan penambahan order harus dibuat. 

Inventory control system dibagi menjadi 2, yaitu : 

A. Continuous Review System

B. Periodic Review System

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Another point of view

talking about the point of view, everyone would have different point of view
you can have different point of view about something.
but in my opinion, 
do not make the distinction of being one of the gulf between us.
 but make it as unique, 

Source : taken from flickr

Regards Nita Aprilianti

Sunday, April 15, 2012


Keberhasilan suatu perusahaan dalam mencapai tujuannya dapat ditentukan dari berbagai faktor, salah satunya kemampuan mendapatkan order dari pelanggannya. Agar produk-produk suatu perusahaan dapat diterima oleh pelanggan, maka perlu adanya perencanaan yang matang dari pihak maajemen perusahaan itu sendiri. Dengan adanya suatu perencanaan maka perusahaan akan mendapatkan rate yang baik. Rate terbaik akan dapat diperoleh apabila perusahaan memiliki rencana produksi yang baik dan akurat. 

Dalam melakukan sebuah perencanaan, diperlukan metode dan prosedur perencanaan dan pengendalian dalam bidang indutri manufaktur baik menurut konsep tradisional maupun konsep modern. nah, sebelum lebih jauh lagi pembahasaannya. maka kita perlu tahu terlebih dahulu, Apa itu manufaktur? 

Manufaktur merupakan proses produksi untuk menghasilkan produk-produk fisik (tangible products). 

ada juga yang berpendapat bahwa manufaktur merupakan serangkaian operasi dan kegiatan yang saling berhubungan yang meliputi perencanaan, pemilihan bahan, perencanaan, pembuatan, penjaminan mutu serta pengelolaan dan pemasaran produk-produk. (International Conference Production Reseach

Sejarah Perkembangan Manufaktur
sejarah manufaktur sudah ada semenjak era kerajinan tangan jauh sebelum tahun 1769.   era kerajian pun semakin meningkat. pada tahun 1776, Adam smith menulis buku yang didalamnya terdapat tulisan bahwa "keunggulan pembagian tugas dalam pembuatan produk". seiring berkembanganya pembagian tugas, persis pada tahun 1780, Eli whitney di Amerika Serikat dan LeBlance di perancis secara terpisah mengembangkan konsep pertukarang suku cadang dalam pembuatan produk. 

Tobe continued..

Saturday, April 14, 2012

The Role of Service in an Economy

Dalam perkembangan ekonomi saat ini, tampak bahwa ekonomi industri di dominasi oleh indisutri jasa. industri jasa saat ini sedang menjadi salah satu industri yang berkembang. hal ini merupakan evolusi ekonomi dari masyarakat preindustrial menjadi masyarakat industrial dan nantinya akan menjadi masyarakat postindustrial.

Pembahasan kali ini akan mengarah pada definisi jasa itu sendiri seperti apa dan dilanjutkan dengan kaitannya antara manufaktur dan jasa. 

Definisi Jasa
apa itu jasa? 
terdapat berbagai definisi dari jasa menurut para ahli, yaitu : 
  1. Service are deeds, processes, and performances (Valarie A. Zethiathaml and Mary Jo Bitner, Services Marketing, New York: McGraww Hill, 1996)
  2. A service is a time-perishable, intangible experience performed for a customer acting  in the role of co-producer (James Fitzsimmons)

Berikut ini merupakan tahapan aktivitas ekonomi, yaitu :
1.    Primary (extractive)
1.    Agriculture
2.    Mining
3.    Fishing
4.    Forestry

2.   Secondary (goods-producing)
1.    Manufacturing
2.    Processing

3.  Tertiary (domestic services)
1.    Restaurants & hotels
2.     Barber & beauty shops
3.     Laundry & dry cleaning
4.     Maintenance & repair

4. Quaternary (trade and commerce services)
1.     Transportation
2.     Retailing
3.     Communication
4.     Finance & insurance
5.     Real estate
6.     Government

5. Quinary (refining and extending human capacities)
1.     Health
2.     Education
3.     Research
4.     Recreation
5.     Arts

Tahapan Perkembangan Ekonomi

  1. Preindustrial Society, Dalam tahapan ini masyarakat lebih banyak didominasi oleh para petani. Pekerjaan dilakukan menggunakan kekuatan otot.
  2. Industrial Society, Pada tahapan ini masyarakat sudah mulai melakukan produksi barang. aktivitas yang ada pun didominasi dalam produksi barang. dalam tahapan ini juga, masyarakat sudah memperhatikan jadwal dan waktu. 
  3. Postindustrial society, Pada tahapan ini masyarakat lebih concern pada kualitas hidupseperti jasa kesehatan, pendidikan, dll. 

source : Service Management, Fitz simmons 

Continuous Improvement

Continuous Improvement merupakan suatu cara berpikir yang perlu di masukkan ke dalam budaya perusahaan. filosofi dari continuous improvement diusulkan oleh W.Edwards Deming melalui Plan-do-check-act (PDCA) cycle.

Dasar dari Continuous Improvement
Deming awalnya membantu industri jepang dan melakukan strategi akan memberikan kualitas barang yang baik dengan harga yang terjangkau. kombinasi ini dinilai tidak mungkin karena orang berfikir bahwa untuk mendapatkan barang dengan kualitas yang baik, maka mereka juga harus membayar harga yang tinggi. dasar dari Deming terdiri dari 3 prinsip, yaitu: 
1. Customer Statisfaction ( Kepuasan Pelanggan) 
2. Management by facts 
3. Respect for People

Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA)


Mulai merencanakan dengan menyeleksi masalah-masalah yang muncul.  
Mengimplementasikan solusi dari masalah yang ada. 
review dan evaluasi hasil dari perubahan yang telah dilakukan.
bertindak sesuai pengalaman.

source : Service management, Fitz Simmons

Sprechen "Love"

Love is an emotion of strong affection and personal interests.
In the context of the philosophy of love is a virtue that inherits all the
 kindness, compassion and affection..

The word "Love" is not limited to the girlfriend or boyfriend. 
but it means "love" to parents, "love" to friends, "love" to brother & sister, etc. 

-Miss my familly, hope they are okey-

Regards Nita Aprilianti


We are like a bottle, glasses, or pitcher. 
how it depends on us. there is full, half, or just starting to fulfill.
All people have equal opportunity to have same contents, 
so I think there is no fool people. 
But there is people who cannot.
All need process, 
people who couldn't, 
we will can if we want to learn.

*all photos : flickr

Regards Nita Aprilianti

Friday, April 13, 2012

You're not alone

in my opinion, we as a social people, 
we need each other to live. 
so, do not feel that you are alone in this world. 
and then, you must be your self and give other feedback too.
 because, they need to appreciate about their interact with you. 
what do you think about this photo? 

in fact, we don't live alone, 
many people around you who cared and gave attention. 
sometimes we are not aware of it.

  "Do not be a chair in the photograph, 
in the quiet solitude under a dry tree."

 from now,
 see around us,

don't be blind anymore,

it's time to open his eyes. 
and realize the people who love and care for us. 

make your life more colorful

*all photos : Flickr

Regards Nita Aprilianti


Clothing is a primary need for people and fashion has been highly developed at this time. in my opinion, wear the clothes which don't have nice clothes or fancy, but how it is comfortable with us.
and I try to make a design :)

"Vintage dress"

"Vintage skirt"

Regards Nita Aprilianti

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

A Thousand Years with you

Randomly and I found this, I like this song. :)

Christina Perri - A Thousand Years

heartbeats fast
colors and promises
how to be brave
how can i love when i’m afraid to fall
but watching you stand alone
all of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow
one step closer

i have died everyday waiting for you
darling don’t be afraid i have loved you
for a thousand years
i love you for a thousand more

time stands still
beauty in all she is
i will be brave
i will not let anything take away
what’s standing in front of me
every breath
every hour has come to this
one step closer

i have died everyday waiting for you
darling don’t be afraid i have loved you
for a thousand years
i love you for a thousand more

and all along i believed i would find you
time has brought your heart to me
i have loved you for a thousand years
i love you for a thousand more

one step closer
one step closer

i have died everyday waiting for you
darling don’t be afraid i have loved you
for a thousand years
i love you for a thousand more

and all along i believed i would find you
time has brought your heart to me
i have loved you for a thousand years
i love you for a thousand more


Regards Nita Aprilianti

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Sugar & me

Dream can come anytime and anywhere,
dream and go for what yo've dreamed of.
don't be afraid to dream.
believe you can.
and if God wills, dreams come true. 

no matter how high up the dream. keep dreaming.
 if God wills and we try, there is no imposible.
and the dream will be sweet like sugar. 
How about You???

Regards Nita Aprilianti

Saturday, April 7, 2012

une expérience inoubliable "PFT"

Moments that I have never forgotten, friends. 
two months, we were together.  

Dika & friend's Yel yel

Gumilang & friend's performance

Thank you for this togetherness guys, I learned a lot. whatever the result, hopefully our relationship is still maintained. 

Regards Nita Aprilianti


cooking. I, C, & R made a food. 
Taraaaaaaaa.. Finally we could. 

Sarden, cooked by C

Cah Kangkung, cooked by me & R

Bola-bola Coklat, made by I,C, & R
Regards Nita Aprilianti

Monday, April 2, 2012

Breve Viaggio "Yogyakarta"

yap yap!
I and my friends decided to travelling. the destination was Yogyakarta. 
we went there by train. 
we just brought a map and didn't prepare anything. 
just brought something like money, clothes, snacks. 

our first destination was Prambanan Temple, Yogyakarta. we went there by TransYogya. But, we walked to go the shelter. 
we just saw the map. 
finally, we arrived at Prambanan Temple. 

wonderful. you must visit Yogyakarta. 

thanks for the travelling guys! 
hope we will do the same anytime.
xoxo :)

Regards Nita Aprilianti

Sunday, April 1, 2012


must be another person?

you stand up here,
just be your self,
not be another people, life is yours,
prove it,
you can success with your hardwork.

stand up here,
because support from them,
you don't forget them.
be thankfull for them.
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