Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Believe that you can pass it,
and the result will make your parents proud.
xoxo :)

Monday, March 26, 2012

Geburtstag Mitaaaaa

Mita, a girl who is almost 3 years be my friend. she likes singing everywhere and expressive. haha. and those around her, smiling with her behaviour that sometimes ridiculous. 
 I think it's good. could bring a better atmosphere. 
many of her habits such as sleeping in class, sleeping after a full, singing, etc.
but we (as a friend), she is kind people. 

 expression of Mita

and Taraaaaaa.. 
Happy Birthday To you
Happy Birthday To Mitaaaa..
wish that everything that you want, God will give it

Keep be your self, 
keep be our friends,
keep smiling.. 
 xoxo :)

nb : don't forget your promise to us :)

Regards Nita Aprilianti

Blue, Pink & Black. You?

What is the meaning of Blue?
the blue reflects creativity and art. you like many things that have related with music or art. your imagination is briliant. it makes you super-duper creative. you like natural and something can make you comfort.

What is the meaning of Pink?
Pink reflects the confidence, happiness and young. you are mature and have a deep understanding about life. friendly. 

What is the meaning of Black?
Black reflects the courage, calmness, and domination. you like quite, don't like conflict and likes to be noticed.

Regards Nita Aprilianti

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Orange LaLaLa

mix and match

What is the meaning of orange?
orange reflects spirit and actions. if your choice is orange. it means you have high spirit even you cannot sit, you always do something. you also have high energy to organize various events and activities. in achieving goals, you always focus. you always been a central concern of friends and people around you. 

Regards Nita Aprilianti

Saturday, March 24, 2012


Hiii Guys! 
Happy sunday. 
here I wanna share you about make a pop-up
check this out guys. 

Source : by dutchpapergirl


Friday, March 23, 2012

Greet & Meet ArcGis 9.3 #5

Progress Report 
Senin, 20 Maret 2012

udah sekitar 60% jadi Projectnya.. dan jadwal kita adalah asistensi.

Greet & Meet ArcGis 9.3 #4

Progress Report
Sabtu, 18 Maret 2012

Hm.. kali ini kita hanya berkumpul untuk sekedar melihat progress report masing-masing, share satu sama lain, jika ada yang belum mengerti dan ada kesulitan yang terjadi.
selain itu, kami membuat timeline kembali. :)

Quote : "Jika ada kemauan, Sesulit apapun insyaalloh Tuhan akan memberikan jalan." (nitnut)

Other side of Yogyakarta

make batik & Wayang

Regards Nita Aprilianti

About Sketch

Black & White 

batik skirt, black T-shirt

Regards Nita Aprilianti

Meet & Greet ArcGis 9.3 #3

Progress Report 
Jum'at, 16 Maret 2012

Langkah selanjutnya setelah kita register yaitu memulai digitasi peta. :)
satu sama lain saling memberi tahu jika ada yang belum bisa, masih mempelajari bagaimana membuat polyline, polygone, point. 
contoh :
Membuat layer Sungai :
1. Klik ArcCatalog pada menubar atau klic icon
2. Maka akan muncul kotak dialog seperti ini : 

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Style Captured : Young Executive

Mix and match : no branded black cardigan, old skirt, brown belt.
Left : Innes Putri & Right : Ketty Mustika 

Regards Nita Aprilianti

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Finally we can!

Thanks God for all of  God give to me today. 
Proud of you guys! 
N & M
without you, this presentation wouldn't success.. :)
our hardwork was not futile. 
keep figthing for all of you. 
thank to M & N, You came early, went to sleep late, came to my durmintory.. 

Keep fighting Guys! 

Regards Nita Aprilianti

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Greet & Meet ArcGis 9.3 #2

Progress Report
Rabu, 14 Februari 2012
Second day, REGISTER PETA. we reduced one hours. yap, needed 3 hours. 
Check this out guys! 

Greet & Meet ArcGis 9.3

Sebelum lebih jauh, terlebih dahulu tentukan tujuan. mau ngapain kita disini?? 
hmm.. kita akan membuat suatu project  GIS Kota Jawa Tengah menggunakan ArcGis 9.3.
nah lho, ada yang tau ngga apa itu GIS dan ArcGis 9.3??
GIS merupakan suatu sistem (Berbasiskan komputer) yang digunakan untuk menyimpan, dan menganalisis, objek-objek dan fenomena-fenomena dimana lokasi geografis merupakan karakteristik penting atau kritis untuk dianalisis. 

Trus ArcGis apa?? 
ArcGIS adalah salah satu software yang dikembangkan oleh ESRI (Environment Science & Research Institute) yang merupakan kompilasi fungsi-fungsi dari berbagai macam software GIS yang berbeda seperti GIS desktop, server, dan GIS berbasis web.

disini akan dijelaskan langkah-langkah dalam pembuatan project GIS kota Jawa Tengah.. 
Check this out Guys! :)

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Miss Them

Randomly, and found something

"renta, tulus, tak menuntut.
senyum itu merekah dari bibirnya yang keriput, 
tak peduli giginya sudah tak ada, 
tak peduli kulit kulitnya kini tak lagi seperti dulu,
hanya ada sebuah cinta yang tulus yang ingin diberikan." 

an expression of sincerity. she accepted what she got. even, she more grateful. she stood on the pole powerlessness to resist the rigors of life.

I thought my familly. expect them to be fine. God, let me be able to repay them. let me make them smile. let me make the cry because they happy.
I love them so much.
give them strength.

Friday, March 9, 2012

all about sun

Randomly, and I found it. ^^
so beautiful 

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Quote of the Day "Judgement"

"Jangan menilai hanya dari apa yg dilihat, yang tahu kebenarannya adalah Tuhan. jadi, apapun informasi yg didapat, pastikan terlebih dahulu faktanya dan filter." (nitnut)

Regards Nita Aprilianti

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Blue & Orange sky

combination between blue and orange.

Regards Nita Aprilianti

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Quote of The Day "assessment"

Quote :"Nilailah diri kita sesuai dengan kemampuan yang kita miliki" (nitnut)

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